当没有成选美冠军的华侨密斯 回身成了特朗普的
前几日刚刚被“美利脆世界姑娘”(Miss World America)主持方褫夺“密歇根姑娘”头衔,废除选美竞赛资历的华侨密斯凯西·朱(Kathy Zhu),回身成了特朗普竞选团队的参谋。
(图via churchmilitant.)
没有过,便在她犹豫满志地预备比赛下一阶段的竞赛之时,主持方却忽然报告她,她的冠军头衔被废除了,而给出的缘由是,凯西在社接媒介上“种族主义、敌视伊斯兰教和麻痹没有仁”(racist, Islamophobic, and Insensitive)的言论违犯了准则。
Last eek, Zhu spoke out against the Miss World America petition’s leadership for revoking her title in light of her past statements.
Aording to an email Zhu shared signed by the anization’s director, Laurie DeJack, the disgraced inner’s “social media aounts contain offensive, insensitive and inappropriate content” that breached “MWA’s Rules and Conditions, specifically the contestant requirement of ‘being of good character and hose background is not likely to bring into disrepute Miss World America or any person associated ith the anization.’”
跟据凯西瓜分的电子邮件,这份由选美大赛主持方总监Laurie DeJack签订的邮件,丑恶化凯西的社接媒介账号,称她的“社接媒介账户包括进犯性、麻痹没有仁和没有妥当的实质”,违犯了“美利脆世界姑娘的准则和前提,特殊是对于选手央求的‘性格良佳以及出身布景没有会给美利脆世界姑娘或者所有与构造相联系的部分戴来没有良光荣。”
▲Ex-Miss Michigan Joins Trump Campaign After Being Dethroned For Social Media Posts (via HuffPost)
(图via Titter)
One of the teets she said Miss World America found inappropriate included her ments on black on black gun violence.
"Did you kno the majority of black deaths are caused by other blacks? Fix problems ithin your on munity first before blaming others," she rote.
Her teet as in response to another user ho had teeted Vice President Mike Pence to say, "STOP KILLING BLACK PEOPLE !!!" regarding police violence against African-Americans.
She also came under fire for a February 2018 teet about a hijab booth at University of Central Florida, hich she attended before transferring to the University of Michigan. Though it appears Zhu has deleted the teet, the Orlando Sentinel published a screengrab of it.
"There's a 'try a hijab on' booth at my college campus. So you're telling me that it's no just a fashion aessory and not a religious thing? Or are you just trying to get omen used to being oppressed under Islam?" the teet reads.
▲ Woman ho says she lost Miss Michigan cron for conservative vies joins Trump campaign advisory board (via CNN)
(图via orlandosentinel.)
“Everything that I’ve posted as my statistics and opinions, and I think that e should be empoering omen’s voices and not just stripping them of their title only because of their opinions,” she said.
▲Ex-Miss Michigan Joins Trump Campaign After Being Dethroned For Social Media Posts (via HuffPost)
(图via Titter)
Kathy Zhu has landed on her feet after losing her title as "Miss Michigan," taking a position on the "Women for Trump Coalition Advisory Board".
"[Zhu] is a patriot ho has continued to stand for American values despite being stripped of her cron,' the Trump campaign teeted on Thursday.
The announcement came shortly after Zhu, a University of Michigan student and president of her campus' College Republicans chapter, posted about the Miss World America pageant's decision to strip her of her title.
▲Former Miss Michigan Kathy Zhu joins Trump campaign after ouster over 'offensive' social media posts (via Fox Nes)
(图via Titter)
调整Du Qiongfang
材料HuffPost, CNN, Fox Nes
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